Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Electrical Work

Most of the outlets and boxes are now wired in by my lovely husband, and he put up the lights so I could get a better idea of what they would look like. These two lights will be on either side of the kitchen window and sink.
This is the view from the loft looking out the back window, a light on either side and outlet boxes underneath

The view from the loft looking down to the living room, a light above each side of the couch for reading along with individual switches to turn them on and off, and if you look at the ceiling, you can see the box where the ceiling fan will go (YES! I get a ceiling fan! How cool is that! *no pun intended*)

Reading break! And I'm also very excited to report that my papasan chair will fit nicely upstairs in the loft, my dogs are also thrilled about this, and I get the feeling that I will never get to sit in it......

On a side note, we've also put in vents in the rafter blocks so that everything can breathe well.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lots of Work

We've been busy working on the house, even if I haven't been the best at posting updates :o) I was busy getting our taxes ready, so posting went by the wayside for a bit.
My dear husband has been working on the electrical and outlet placement for us as well as planning the best spot for everything to be in before he installs appliance specific electrical work.

AND, my fabulous hubby has been building our windows too! He's got the glass cased in and will work frames and opening design soon.